Welcome children and students!

Jackson Memorial Library strives to welcome all children and students into our building and community.
We have a variety of morning programs for children from birth to four years old: Stay and Play (Tuesday 10:30am), Story Stretchers (Wednesday 10:30am), and Play and Paint (Thursday 10:30am).

We house the library for the St. George School, so you’ll often see classes walking through our parking lot to get new books, research, and explore our seven-acre campus for outdoor learning opportunities associated with the marsh, meadow and wooded areas.

For our middle level students, we offer afterschool hours Monday through Friday during the school year for students in 4th grade and up, where students may do homework, join in a program, hang out with friends, use any of our craft and art supplies, as well as download, print and copy materials for projects. Some programs we’ve hosted in the past include cooking, painting, sewing, clay, and Manga drawing. Pick up is 4:30 PM, and students need to use the space respectfully.

We also have a great new playground, built in fall 2024, for joyful romping and climbing.

Interested in volunteering? We welcome volunteers interested in teaching a new skill! Call us at (207) 372-8961 or stop by to learn more.

Upcoming Special Programs:


Regular Weekly Programs:

Dungeons & Dragons

What’s that snarfling behind the old oak tree? Is that a scaly wing you see?

Youth Dungeons & Dragons, 7th to 10th grade: Friday from 4:00 to 6:00pm. This gathering is held either in the library’s Teen Room or offsite at a member’s home. Please call ahead to register for this D&D group at (207) 372-8961, or email rebecca@jacksonmemoriallibrary.org.

Have kids another age that want to play D&D? Let us know! If there’s enough interest, we can start another group.

Please note, there is also an Adult D&D group that meets offsite, waitlist only. Contact us for more details.

Jackson Memorial Library has passes available for Rockland’s Coastal Children's Museum and the Maine Botanical Garden in Boothbay. Please visit the front desk or call us for information.

Wednesday, August 25 6_00 PM to 9_00 PM 123 Anywhere St. (1).jpg

Child Supervision Policy:

The Jackson Memorial Library is dedicated to providing a welcoming and safe environment for library patrons of all ages.

Children are welcomed with snacks after school, special programs, books, videos, toys, and access to computers for users who can demonstrate proficiency.

The safety of children left alone in a library building is a serious concern of the library staff. Therefore children are asked NOT to wander through the building, where they may encounter hazards such as stairs, doors, furniture, or electrical equipment. They are also asked NOT to leave the building and wander outside, except to be picked up or to return to the school for sports or other sanctioned events.

Library employees and volunteers cannot be responsible for children who are unattended or are demonstrating inappropriate behavior. The following guidelines will be followed concerning the care and behavior of young library users:

Children under the age of 9 must be accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult, or an older sibling or babysitter at least 14 years of age who stays in the immediate vicinity in visual contact with the child. An exception would be a child attending a library program without a parent/caregiver in the room. However, the parent/caregiver is expected to remain in the library building and immediately join the child at the end of the program. The assigned caregiver must be a responsible person and must carry emergency contact information. If a child in this age group is found unattended, library staff will attempt to locate the parent/caregiver in the library and inform him/her of the rules. If the parent/caregiver cannot be found, or if the child is found unattended again, the sheriff’s office may be called for assistance.

Children age 9 and older may use the library on their own, except during school hours, unless when with a class and accompanied by a teacher. In accordance with Jackson Memorial Library policy, any patrons, including children, exhibiting inappropriate behavior may be asked to leave the library. All unaccompanied children at the library should have the telephone number of someone who can assist them in an emergency.

After school programs are offered several weekday afternoons. Children are encouraged to enjoy snacks, participate in activities, read, visit quietly with each other, do homework, and use the computers. They are required to observe all library rules of conduct, and are asked NOT to wander inside or outside the building or engage in any activity that disturbs others. Parents should note that the library’s staff is not responsible for monitoring whether children work on homework assignments. Children participating in after-school programs must be picked up by 4:00pm.

In order to use the library alone during school hours, home-schooled children aged 9 to 17 are required to have a letter with them from the parent/guardian stating the child is home-schooled. The letter must include emergency contact information. The parent/guardian and/or the school district may be called by library staff to confirm home school status. If the child has a Virtual School or other online school ID, they may log into their account as proof of home-school status.

The final responsibility for the safety and behavior of children in the library rests with the parent/caregiver and not with library personnel. Parents should be sure their children, whether accompanied or alone, understand and abide by the policies of the Jackson Memorial Library.